Who says a steak has to cooked on a grill? I mean, I'm sure it's generally best cooked on a grill...but I don't have one. And even if I did...I wouldn't be caught using it in sub 20 degree weather. Stove-top will have to do. Besides, the package said "skillet steak" so clearly it's meant to be cooked in a skillet...
I rubbed the steak with olive oil, rosemary, and garlic powder, then put it in the preheated, non-stick, skillet. I seared it on each side, then flipped it back to the first side and let it cook for a few minutes on each side. It's a pretty thin steak, so it didn't take too long to get it done, no pink. 'Cause who wants to eat something that is still moo-ing? Not me, anyway.
Ate the steak with some leftover mac n cheese, some leeks, and some steamed baby broccoli.
so brilliantly green... or should I say...so verdantly green? maybe that's too redundant.
now there's a delicious dinner if I do say so myself
and the dinner wine
hasn't given me heartburn yet...must be a good one.
I doubt this steak required a steak knife...but I have steak knives now, why not put them to use?
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