Sunday, September 2, 2012

Peach-Basil Yogurt Cake

       I'm not a huge yogurt fan, but every now and then when it's on sale I will buy a whole bunch and make myself eat them with breakfast cause I don't completely dislike them, and yogurt is good for you.  I never ever buy the "lite" yogurt though, it's got aspartame in it.  That stuff is way worse for you than the couple of extra calories in the regular yogurt.  Anyway, yogurt was on sale 10 for $6 last week, and for some strange reason I actually bought 10.  Don't know why I didn't just buy 5.  So I ended up with all this yogurt in my fridge, and I just have not been in the mood for yogurt lately.  I've been too obsessed with my bacon pancakes to even think about eating yogurt and granola for breakfast. I mean seriously, who would want to eat boring yogurt when they could eat a bacon pancake?!
     Today, I'm looking at a whole 2 days off in a row (super exciting).  It's muggy and cloudy out, so there's nothing I want to do outside, and I decided it was a perfect day to play in the kitchen.  I've been dying to try something new, and just haven't had time or energy to figure out what.  Until this morning.  I decided I needed to bake something with yogurt in it so I could use up some of the yogurt without actually having to eat it by itself.  I was thinking that it might be a good way to flavor a cake.  So I went to google and typed in "yogurt cake" and found this gem of a recipe.  I meant to use raspberry yogurt, but upon inspection of my fridge, I discovered I had actually eaten all of the raspberry yogurt.  But I had 2 peach yogurts, and I usually don't even buy peach because although I love peaches, I'm really not a huge fan of peach yogurt.  Clearly, I was not in my right mind when I went grocery shopping last week.  I was probably half asleep and thinking about all the work I needed to get done, instead of thinking about the groceries I was putting in my cart.
    So I decided to make a cake with peach yogurt.  And then I had to come up with an herb that would taste good with peaches.  For some reason I feel the need to put herbs in everything lately.  Rosemary has ended up in the last several batches of chocolate chip cookies I've made.  (recipe here...they're amazing)  Lately I've been loving using fresh herbs instead of dried.  The only fresh herbs I have are basil and oregano.  I decided basil would go great with peach.

The Original Recipe

My Adapted Recipe

The Wet Ingredients...and the Basil
*for the whiskey, I used Tullamore Dew

smells sooooo good!

The Dry Ingredients

fold the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients

grease a 9x9 cake pan with butter

pour the batter into the pan

bake at 350 for 30 minutes

cake is done if a toothpick comes out clean

Let the cake sit in the pan for 10 minutes, then loosen the sides from the pan with a knife, and transfer the cake from the pan to a wire rack to cool. 


Yogurt comes in 6 oz cups, and the cake recipe called for 8 oz, so I used the remaining 4 ounces to make the icing.  I don't know exactly how much confectioners sugar it took, but it seemed like an awful lot.  Probably because I started out using a tablespoon to measure it out.  After about 7 heaping tbsps I switched to a 1/3 c measure.  I used about 3 of those.  Then I just started pouring the sugar straight into the bowl. 

 I added some grated ginger and a tbsp of Tullamore Dew in an attempt to cut the sweetness of the yogurt and sugar. 

Once the cake was cool, I transferred it to a glass cutting board (the only flat thing I have that is large enough to hold this cake...) and poured the icing on top. 

one of the corners made its way into my belly

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